https:///blogs/l.atom leboilalaslie - leboilalaslie's Blog 2021-02-02T10:07:14+08:00 leboilalaslie https:///blogs/l/how-to-right-wear-tank-tops-for-women 2018-07-12T10:40:00+08:00 2018-08-22T18:27:00+08:00 How to right wear tank tops for women leboilalaslie Lanmo If you recently went through your drawers, you found more than a dozen tank tops and you said to yourself “Now, what am I going to do with all of these?”, don’t throw them out. Not just yet.

Tank tops are important for women

Tank tops are a staple of every woman's clothing. There's no doubt about it. And in just a few moments, you're going to see that there are more than just a few ways to wear them. Every single one you've got.

leboilalaslie will recommend it following with 16 ways to wear tank tops ger you sarted

1.Tank top with flow shorts

Tank top with flow shorts

If you don't own a pair of flow shorts, please make sure that you get some. The right style and color can easily take your tank from super casual to a perfect first date look.

2.Tank and jean jacket

Tank and jean jacket

Jean jackets are ideal for any time of they year. They work well with a mini skirt in the spring and summer and can help to keep you warm during the fall and winter. So warm in fact that you can wear your tanks year-round if you'd like.

3.Tank top and skinny jeans

Tank top and skinny jeans

There is something that is so sexy about a woman in a tank top and skinny jeans. (See above.)

4.Tank and a mini

Tank and a mini

If you want a bit of a flirty look, pair your tank with a mini skirt. Do you just adore this pink and yellow mix? Yeah, we do too.

5.Tank and kimono jacket

Tank and kimono jacket

Bohemian chic is a look that so many folks are after right now. If you're short on cash, a kimono jacket is really all tht you need to achieve the look.

6.Tank and leather

Tank and leather

A tank and a leather skirt. Can a woman possibly get an sexier?

7.Tank top with a blazer

Tank top with a blazer

If you want to wear your tank tops to work but your office is a bit on the conservative side, just throw on a blazer. Then, when you're off work, take it off. Simple as that.

8.Tank with leggings

Tank with leggings

Not every woman can pull off nothing more than a tank and leggings. But if you have a slim or athletic build, it's the type of outfit that’s just perfect for you.

9.Tank top and cardigan

Tank top and cardigan

Initially, a tank and a cardigan may seem a bit, well, boring. But if you decide to mix and match like this gal did, you can see how it's another stylish way to wear your tank tops.

10.Graphic tank and shorts

Graphic tank and shorts

Nothing says "summer" quite like a graphic tank and a pair of shorts.

11.Tank top and overalls

Tank top and overalls

On a hot summer's day, pull out your demin overalls. Then throw on a tank to go underneath them. You’ll be cool and comfortable all day long.

12.Tank top and capris

Tank top and capris

Heading out to a day at the beach? Put on a tank and then put on some capris.

13.Tank top and flare jeans

Tank top and flare jeans

A tank top, some flare jeans and a jacket. It's a splendid look for fall.

14.Tank and tulle skirt

Tank and tulle skirt

So, where could you go with a tank and tulle skirt? One answer. Two actually. "Anywhere"  is the first. "Everywhere"  is the second.

15.Tank top and sequin skirt

Tank top and sequin skirt

Love it. LOVE. IT. A graphic tank paired up with a sequin skirt puts a huge smile on our face.

16.Tank top with leather jacket

Tank top with leather jacket

Another matchless combo is a tank top and a leather jacket. (Motorbike optional.)


When it’s cold outside and you still want to keep your tank tops close, put a sheer sweater on over it. See, we told you that you could wear your tank a ton of ways. Enjoy!

